Scientists demonstrate self-awareness in fish

Mirror self-recognition (MSR) is seen as evidence for self-awareness and passing the mark test, in which animals touch or scrape a mark placed on their body in a location that can only be indirectly viewed in a mirror, is ...

Explainer: How computers "see" faces and other objects

Computers started to be able to recognize human faces in images decades ago, but now artificial intelligence systems are rivaling people's ability to classify objects in photos and videos.

A peptide against cannibalism

A worm whose favorite dish is – of all things—worm larvae has to take great care not to accidentally devour its own progeny. How these tiny worms of merely a millimeter in length manage to distinguish their own offspring ...

Wolves show signs of self-cognition with innovative sniff test

Self-awareness has been a central theme in philosophical and biological research since ancient times. In the temple of Apollo at Delphi, the exhortation "Know yourself" is inscribed in Greek, an invitation to men to understand ...

How chimps deal with death: Studies offer rare glimpses

Two studies in the April 27th issue of Current Biology offer rare glimpses into the ways that chimpanzees deal with the deaths of those closest to them. In one case, researchers describe the final hours and moment of death ...

Bacteria harness viruses to distinguish friend from foe

Bacterial cells that normally colonize our guts can distinguish themselves from other bacterial species using what's traditionally considered their enemy—a virus. Researchers report April 16 in the journal Cell Reports ...

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