Do good lessons promote students' attention and behavior?

Students are better able to regulate themselves in lessons that they consider to be particularly well implemented. This is the conclusion drawn from a study by the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in ...

Humble pie: Soul food for the best leaders

When it comes to the best leaders, a slice of humble pie might be just what the CEO ordered, as research from the University of South Australia shows that humility is a critical leadership trait for cultivating cohesive, ...

Google to test cars without a driver

Google plans to begin testing its new prototype of a self-driving car - which, unlike earlier models, doesn't require a back-up driver - at NASA's Ames Research Center, just a few miles from the tech company's headquarters, ...

Obama has better leadership skills, survey shows

(—A survey conducted by the University at Buffalo School of Management that evaluated the leadership skills of President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney has found that Obama scored significantly ...

The self-managing, 'unbreakable' internet?

( -- High-powered internet applications typically need teams of experts to maintain them. Not any more, say European researchers who have built a system to create applications that manage and fix themselves.