Related topics: psychological science

How having self-control leads to power

Out-of-control behavior by CEOs and other powerful people constantly makes headlines—so much so that some might consider impulsivity a pathway to power. New research from the UC San Diego Rady School of Management and Texas ...

Why silly distractions at work can actually be good for you

Positive interventions that distract us from difficult tasks actually help to reduce our stress levels, according to new research from WHU—Otto Beisheim School of Management and Trinity Business School.

Canine cognitive traits linked to everyday behavior

In recent decades, canine cognitive tests which measure, for example, problem-solving ability, memory, logical reasoning and impulse control in various situations, have been extensively used in many studies.

Pride can keep you on track or send you off the rails

Can pride in a personal achievement also help you turn down the dessert tray, or can it make you want to indulge as a reward? It all depends, according to new research published in the October issue of the Journal of Consumer ...

Monthly wages are an important step towards economic development

Most workers and agricultural producers in developing countries are paid on a daily basis. This has a negative impact on their ability to generate savings for large expenses. Researchers from UZH have now shown that dairy ...

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