Quantum dots brighten the future of lighting

(Phys.org) -- With the age of the incandescent light bulb fading rapidly, the holy grail of the lighting industry is to develop a highly efficient form of solid-state lighting that produces high quality white light.

New kind of optical fiber developed

(PhysOrg.com) -- A team of scientists led by John Badding, a professor of chemistry at Penn State University, has developed the very first optical fiber made with a core of zinc selenide -- a light-yellow compound that can ...

Good vibrations: New atom-scale products on horizon

The generation of an electric field by the compression and expansion of solid materials is known as the piezoelectric effect, and it has a wide range of applications ranging from everyday items such as watches, motion sensors ...

Watching the Tug of War between Structure and Superconductivity

(PhysOrg.com) -- Like Clark Kent, who often forgoes his social life to become Superman, materials that become superconducting must sacrifice at least one of their natural properties to attain the ability to transfer electric ...

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