New machine learning model describes dynamics of cell development

From their birth through to their death, cells lead an eventful existence. Thanks to single-cell genomics, their destiny in large cell populations can now be analyzed. However, this method destroys the cell, which makes it ...

Study: It's not cheating unless a species gets hurt

A review of dozens of key ecological studies has found very little evidence to support one of the field's commonly held beliefs: Cheating is widespread among 'mutualists,' species that cooperate with one another for mutual ...

New computation method helps identify functional DNA

Striving to unravel and comprehend DNA's biological significance, Cornell scientists have created a new computational method that can identify positions in the human genome that play a role in the proper functioning of cells, ...

Computer scientists suggest new spin on origins of evolvability

Scientists have long observed that species seem to have become increasingly capable of evolving in response to changes in the environment. But computer science researchers now say that the popular explanation of competition ...

Plasmids and the spread of antibiotic resistance genes

Though the harnessing of antibiotics is one of the most significant human innovations, their efficacy is continuously eroded by the craftiness of their microbial targets. Once a single bacterium mutates to become resistant ...

First dicamba-resistant waterhemp produced

University of Illinois weed scientists have confirmed resistance to the herbicide dicamba in a Champaign County waterhemp population. In the study, dicamba controlled 65% of the waterhemp in the field when applied at the ...

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