Wolves of the wilderness are calling. Will your dog answer?

Researchers of the Department of Ethology, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) have been investigating dogs' reactions to wolf howls. Are there dogs that are more prone to reply with howling? Are these dogs genetically closer ...

International team decodes the durum wheat genome

An international consortium has sequenced the entire genome of durum wheat—the source of semolina for pasta, a food staple for the world's population, according to an article published today in Nature Genetics.

A closer look at the GM debate

In the first chapter of The Origin of Species, Charles Darwin detailed his examinations of the skeletons of a variety of different breeds of domestic pigeons. To agreement today, he concluded that they all descended, by selective ...

The ethics of resurrecting extinct species

(Phys.org) —At some point, scientists may be able to bring back extinct animals, and perhaps early humans, raising questions of ethics and environmental disruption.

Dog genetic studies reveal why Shar-Peis are wrinkled

(PhysOrg.com) -- There are over 400 genetically different dog breeds, with massive variations in size, colors, fur type, temperament, and so on, and scientists have wondered exactly what changes in the genes have been brought ...

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