Simulations for Mars Insight mission

On 5 May, the NASA "InSight"-lander set off on its journey to Mars. This is the first mission dedicated to investigate the internal structure of the red planet and to answer some key questions such as: Why have Earth and ...

Mars spacecraft shipped to California for March launch

NASA's next Mars spacecraft has arrived at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, for final preparations before a launch scheduled in March 2016 and a landing on Mars six months later.

New tsunami early warning system stands guard

( -- The 2004 Boxing Day tsunami killed 230,000 people. The next time a tsunami threatens Indian Ocean nations, a lifesaving early warning system spearheaded by the EU will be in place.

A new type of seismic sensor to detect moonquakes

During the Apollo missions of the 1970s, several seismometers were flown to the moon, where they collected data on lunar seismic trembling for eight years. The data showed some lunar quakes were as powerful as a magnitude ...

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