Taiwan builds first undersea earthquake sensor

Taiwan began building its first undersea earthquake sensor on Sunday in a project aiming to give earlier warnings of the quakes and tsunamis that frequently hit the region.

Surfing for earthquakes

A better understanding of the ground beneath our feet will result from research by seismologists and Rapid -- a group of computer scientists at the University of Edinburgh. The Earth's structure controls how earthquakes travel ...

Taiwan to boost quake warning system

Taiwan plans to build its first undersea seismic station, designed to improve the island's early warning system and save valuable seconds when earthquakes strike, officials said.

Earthquake early-warning system soon to enter testing

It is the Holy Grail of seismology, sought by earthquake scientists for more than a century: the ability to provide advance warning of the Big One, so the public can react before a massive quake unleashes its rolling thunder ...

'Fossil earthquakes' abundant

Rocks formed only under the extreme heat and friction during earthquakes, called pseudotachylytes, may be more abundant than previously reported, according to new research focused on eight faults found in the Sierra Nevada. ...

Measuring iceberg production with earthquakes

Global warming is significantly reducing the volume of ice sheets—like the one covering Greenland—through melting or by shearing away blocks of ice that tumble into the ocean and become icebergs, a process known as calving.

Enhancing earthquake early warning in the Pacific Northwest

Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) systems depend on speed and accuracy in delivering seismic monitoring data to areas at risk from a quake or volcanic eruption. Paul Bodin of the University of Washington and colleagues have ...

Calculating tsunami risk for the US East Coast

The greatest threat of a tsunami for the U.S. east coast from a nearby offshore earthquake stretches from the coast of New England to New Jersey, according to John Ebel of Boston College, who presented his findings today ...

Shedding light on the earthquake situation

Researchers from the Swiss Seismological Service have worked together with the Seismology and Geodynamics group at ETH Zurich and with local support in Bhutan to install a temporary seismological network. They plan to use ...

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