Fast, simple new assessment of earthquake hazard

Geophysicists at Caltech have created a new method for determining earthquake hazards by measuring how fast energy is building up on faults in a specific region, and then comparing that to how much is being released through ...

Researchers set alarm for incoming space storms

( -- A team of researchers at the University of Alberta in Edmonton has broken new ground in outer space by pinpointing the impact epicentre of an Earthbound space storm as it crashes into the atmosphere and giving ...

Lake tsunamis pose significant threat under warming climate

Cowee Creek, Brabazon Range, Upper Pederson Lagoon—they mark the sites of recent lake tsunamis, a phenomenon that is increasingly common in Alaska, British Columbia and other regions with mountain glaciers.

Phobos surface striations tell a story of its rupturing interior

Phobos, the 22-km diameter innermost moon of Mars, is a groovy body. Unlike its little brother Deimos, Phobos has developed a striking pattern of parallel linear features running across its surface. These grooves are a distinctive ...

Faint foreshocks foretell California quakes

New research mining data from a catalog of more than 1.8 million southern California earthquakes found that nearly three-fourths of the time, foreshocks signalled a quake's readiness to strike from days to weeks before the ...

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