Scientists' work improves odds of finding diamonds

While prospectors and geologists have been successful in finding diamonds through diligent searching, one University of Houston professor and his team's work could help improve the odds by focusing future searches in particular ...

The rhythm of our star

When we look at the Sun we cannot penetrate beyond its outer surface, the photosphere, which emits the photons that make up the radiation we can see. So how can we find out what is inside it?

Quake prediction model developed

( -- The third in a series of papers in the journal Nature completes the case for a new method of predicting earthquakes.

Taiwan to boost quake warning system

Taiwan plans to build its first undersea seismic station, designed to improve the island's early warning system and save valuable seconds when earthquakes strike, officials said.

Earthquake early-warning system soon to enter testing

It is the Holy Grail of seismology, sought by earthquake scientists for more than a century: the ability to provide advance warning of the Big One, so the public can react before a massive quake unleashes its rolling thunder ...

Seismic noise unearths lost hurricanes

Seismologists have found a new way to piece together the history of hurricanes in the North Atlantic—by looking back through records of the planet's seismic noise. It's an entirely new way to tap into the rich trove of ...

Researchers set alarm for incoming space storms

( -- A team of researchers at the University of Alberta in Edmonton has broken new ground in outer space by pinpointing the impact epicentre of an Earthbound space storm as it crashes into the atmosphere and giving ...

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