Beneath the Earth, ancient ocean floor likely surrounds the core

Through global-scale seismic imaging of Earth's interior, research led by The University of Alabama revealed a layer between the core and the mantle that is likely a dense, yet thin, sunk ocean floor, according to results ...

Research explains strength of earthquake shaking in Nenana Basin

Earthquakes in the Nenana Basin region of Interior Alaska last longer and feel much stronger than a quake of comparable magnitude would in a non-basin region, due to the behavior of the seismic waves once they reach the area.

Researchers uncover secrets on how Alaska's Denali Fault formed

When the rigid plates that make up Earth's lithosphere brush against one another, they often form visible boundaries, known as faults, on the planet's surface. Strike-slip faults, such as the San Andreas Fault in California ...

Surprise magma chamber growing under Mediterranean volcano

Using a novel imaging technique for volcanoes that produces high-resolution pictures of seismic wave properties, a new study reveals a large, previously undetected body of mobile magma underneath Kolumbo, an active submarine ...

NASA's InSight lander detects stunning meteoroid impact on Mars

NASA's InSight lander recorded a magnitude 4 marsquake last Dec. 24, but scientists learned only later the cause of that quake: a meteoroid strike estimated to be one of the biggest seen on Mars since NASA began exploring ...

Surface waves help map the interior of Mars

Researchers have observed seismic waves propagating along the surface of a planet other than Earth for the first time. The marsquakes that resulted from two large meteorites that hit Mars were recorded by NASA's InSight lander ...

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