Machine learning-detected signal predicts time to earthquake

Machine-learning research published in two related papers today in Nature Geoscience reports the detection of seismic signals accurately predicting the Cascadia fault's slow slippage, a type of failure observed to precede ...

Study reveals how sand dunes alter seismic waves

Sand dunes may be lovely to behold, but they have long been seismic troublemakers to geophysicists trying to detect what lies underground nearby. A new study takes a stab at figuring out just how dunes are fouling seismic ...

New tool for oil and gas exploration beats all competition

The MIPT Center for Molecular Electronics (CME) has developed and tested a seismic station for hydrocarbon exploration. The new device has unparalleled bandwidth, enabling it to reveal the structure of underground reservoirs ...

Seismic network detects landslides on broad area scale

From 1999 to 2006, Taiwan's Chenyoulan watershed experienced 48,000 landslides, rock avalanches, and other geomorphic events, the bulk of which are thought to be triggered by the powerful tropical cyclones that batter the ...

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