Lots of speculation, few clues about mysterious beach blast

A loud boom that knocked a Rhode Island beachgoer out of her chair is still a mystery days later, and with no evidence of an explosive device and few clues in the sand, investigators and scientists are wondering whether this ...

Mine disaster: Hundreds of aftershocks

A new University of Utah study has identified hundreds of previously unrecognized small aftershocks that happened after Utah's deadly Crandall Canyon mine collapse in 2007. The aftershocks suggest the collapse was as big ...

Smart solution for seismic shaking

Pioneering technology developed at Victoria University has been shown to protect valuable equipment from up to 90 per cent of the forces generated by earthquakes.

Recent Indonesia quake added pressure to key fault

(AP) -- Seismologists say last week's powerful earthquake off western Indonesia increased pressure on the source of the devastating 2004 tsunami: a fault that could unleash another monster wave sometime in the next few decades.

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