India hopes cloud seeding can wash away deadly smog

Indian scientists are preparing cloud seeding technology to clean poisonous smog in the capital with rain, but environmental critics fear it is an expensive distraction from tackling root causes.

Scientists discover new component in world's best-studied plant

Wageningen researchers have discovered a previously unnoticed component within the thale cress: a thin film that encases the embryo in the seed. This discovery is particularly noteworthy because this species has been intensively ...

Plant biologists shed light on 144-year-old seedy mystery

In April 2021, four Michigan State University plant scientists met at an undisclosed area on campus to dig up a bottle containing seeds buried more than 144 years ago by MSU botanist William J. Beal.

Novel soybean regulator affects seed weight and size

Soybean (Glycine max) is an important economic crop that provides edible oil, vegetative protein, and other nutrients for humans. Soybean originated and was domesticated in China. Identification of novel seed regulators through ...

The underappreciated role of pods and siliques to developing seeds

Plants harness energy from sunlight and carbon dioxide through a process called photosynthesis which supports the generation of carbohydrates, proteins, and oils that are stored in seeds—like a kernel of corn, a soybean, ...

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