Edible coating for seabass preservation

Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) is one of the most commonly consumed food fish by Singaporeans. Seabass is loved by many consumers because of its high protein, low fat and ideal fatty acids composition. However, seabass ...

How seeds recognise the seasons

Scientists at the University of York have played a key role in new research into the way 'mother' plants use their memory of the seasons to teach their seeds the most advantageous time to germinate.

Good males are bad fathers

Contrary to predictions, males of high genetic quality are not very successful when it comes to fertilizing eggs. A new study on seed beetles by Swedish and Danish scientists Göran Arnqvist and Trine Bilde shows that when ...

India hopes cloud seeding can wash away deadly smog

Indian scientists are preparing cloud seeding technology to clean poisonous smog in the capital with rain, but environmental critics fear it is an expensive distraction from tackling root causes.

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