Steroids control gas exchange in plants

Plants leaves are sealed with a gas-tight wax layer to prevent water loss. Plants breathe through microscopic pores called stomata (Greek for mouths) on the surfaces of leaves. Over 40% of the carbon dioxide, CO2, in the ...

Fadang photo makes the cover of major botanical journal

The research efforts of University of Guam scientist Thomas Marler have put Guam's endangered native cycad, Cycas micronesica (fadang is the Chamorro name) on the cover of the June 2011 International Journal of Plant Sciences ...

Spice leaves sheep smelling sweeter

( -- Forget low-energy lightbulbs and solar-powered homes - curry spices could hold the key to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Research shows promise in converting camelina oil into jet fuel

( -- Researchers at Montana State University-Northern have developed a process to convert camelina oil to jet fuel and other high-value chemicals. MSU has applied for a U.S. patent and research is ongoing.

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