Curiosity sees bizarre spikes on Mars

In August 2012, the Curiosity rover landed in the Gale Crater on Mars and began exploring the surface for indications of past life. The rover made some profound discoveries during that time, including evidence that the crater ...

Global warming speeds up currents in the ocean's abyss

University of Sydney scientists have used the geological record of the deep sea to discover that past global warming has sped up deep ocean circulation. This is one of the missing links for predicting how future climate change ...

NASA and HeroX are crowdsourcing the search for life on Mars

For almost 60 years, robotic missions have been exploring the surface of Mars in search of potential evidence of life. More robotic missions will join in this search in the next 15 years, the first sample return from Mars ...

The oldest Acheulean evidence in North Africa

A new work published in the journal Quaternary Science Reviews, led by the Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH) in collaboration with the Centre National de Recherches Préhistoriques, Anthropologiques ...

Iron in the fire: Researchers pinpoint how iron deposits form

University of Alberta scientists have uncovered the formation mechanism behind a class of mineral deposits that have been hotly contested until now. The findings shed new light on how iron deposits, among others, form—and ...

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