Evidence for a massive paleo-tsunami at ancient Tel Dor, Israel

Underwater excavation, borehole drilling, and modelling suggests a massive paleo-tsunami struck near the ancient settlement of Tel Dor between 9,910 to 9,290 years ago, according to a study published December 23, 2020 in ...

Hurricanes pack a bigger punch for Florida's west coast

Boulder, Colo., U.S.: Hurricanes, the United States' deadliest and most destructive weather disasters, are notoriously difficult to predict. With the average storm intensity as well as the proportion of storms that reach ...

Sea ice triggered the Little Ice Age, finds a new study

A new study finds a trigger for the Little Ice Age that cooled Europe from the 1300s through mid-1800s, and supports surprising model results suggesting that under the right conditions sudden climate changes can occur spontaneously, ...

Long-term consequences of river damming in the Panama Canal

Humans have manipulated and managed rivers with dams for millennia. The number of river dam projects is predicted to rise sharply in the future, especially in the tropics where demand for hydroelectricity and water is accelerating. ...

Rock-solid archives record variations in the Earth's orbit

The shape of Earth's orbit around the sun and the orientation of its axis undergo regular variations over periods of thousands to millions of years. These variations—known as Milankovitch cycles after the Serbian geophysicist ...

Understanding the glacial history of the western Arctic

To interpret what we see today both on land and at the seabed, we need to understand how the landscape was different in the past. When we say "past," we mean on a geologic timeframe—specifically, about 10,000 to 20,000 ...

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