Inshore corals prove resilient to sediments

Inshore corals may be better able to cope with natural and human-induced sediment resuspension events than previously thought, according to a local researcher.

Rangitoto research prompts rethink of Auckland volcanoes

( —University of Auckland scientists have discovered that Rangitoto erupted not once or twice as previously believed, but multiple times over a period of 1,000 years, prompting a rethink of how Auckland volcanoes ...

Australia's coastal wetlands 'need room to move'

(—As sea levels climb, Australia's coastal wetlands will be increasingly trapped between urban development on land and the rising ocean, imperilling the survival of their unique plants, birds and fish, leading ...

Finding faults: evidence of past earthquakes

(—Delaware Geological Survey (DGS) scientists have uncovered hard proof of faults in northern Delaware, indicating the occurrence of earthquakes millions of years ago.

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