Genes shed light on pygmy history

Scientists on Tuesday said they could fill a blank in the history of Central Africa's pygmies, whose past is one of the most elusive of any community in the world.

Researchers discover 12,000-year-old flutes made from bird bones

A team of researchers, including a Virginia Commonwealth University professor, has discovered rare prehistoric instruments made from the bones of birds dating back more than 12,000 years, according to findings published Friday ...

The genetic origins of the world's first farmers clarified

The genetic origins of the first agriculturalists in the Neolithic period long seemed to lie in the Near East. A new study published in the journal Cell shows that the first farmers actually represented a mixture of Ice Age ...

Motion sensor: Increase your activity for a healthier lifestyle

People are increasingly leading a sedentary lifestyle that may lead to weight gain issues; efforts are being made across Europe to encourage people to become more active and as a result, healthier. Researchers at the Fraunhofer ...

Hubble sweeps scattered stars in Sagittarius

This colorful and star-studded view of the Milky Way galaxy was captured when the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope pointed its cameras towards the constellation of Sagittarius (The Archer). Blue stars can be seen scattered ...

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