Facebook teams with McAfee to tighten security

Facebook has announced an alliance with Internet security specialty firm McAfee to get user of the world's leading online social network to better protect their computers.

2010 tech bug hits German credit cards

Many Germans have been hit by a computer bug linked to the year 2010 that has rendered their credit cards useless, the ZKA banking commission said on Monday.

Trust Linux!

(PhysOrg.com) -- A team of researchers has implemented support for 'trusted computing' in a commercially available version of the open source operating system Linux, breaking new ground in the global drive toward more secure ...

Worms infesting computers worldwide: Microsoft

A Microsoft security report released Monday warns that cyber crooks are digging into computers for weak spots to penetrate with worms -- malicious software that steals control or data.

EBay working on alternative software for Skype

(AP) -- EBay Inc. is developing software it might use to continue running the online telecommunications service Skype if it cannot resolve a legal dispute with a separate company run by the service's founders.

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