Facebook hires iPhone, PS3 hacker 'Geohot'

Facebook confirmed on Wednesday that it has hired George Hotz, a celebrated hacker known as "GeoHot" who was sued by Sony for hacking the Japanese company's PlayStation 3 game console.

Sony removes data posted by hackers

Sony said Saturday about 2,500 customers' names and partial addresses stolen by hackers had been discovered posted online as it struggled to recover from the biggest-ever Internet security break-in.

German spy service plans 'more online surveillance'

Germany's foreign intelligence service plans a major expansion of Internet surveillance despite deep unease over revelations of US online spying, Der Spiegel news weekly reported on Sunday.

Internet doomsday virus appears to fizzle

The so-called Internet doomsday virus with the potential to black out tens of thousands of computers worldwide appeared to pose no major problems Monday after a temporary fix expired.

Microsoft to stop updates for XP SP2

Microsoft this week will stop issuing security fixes for computers running the Windows XP operating system updated with Service Pack 2.

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