Sony removes data posted by hackers

Sony said Saturday about 2,500 customers' names and partial addresses stolen by hackers had been discovered posted online as it struggled to recover from the biggest-ever Internet security break-in.

Sony CEO apologizes for massive data breach

(AP) -- Sony Corp. Chief Executive Howard Stringer apologized for "inconvenience and concern" caused by the security breach that compromised personal data from more than 100 million online gaming accounts.

Sony apologises for breach, boosts security

Sony on Sunday apologised for a security breach that compromised millions of users, and said it could not rule out the possibility that credit card information was stolen.

Sony to reveal PlayStation hack probe findings

Sony will reveal details of its internal probe into a massive theft of personal data from users of its PlayStation Network on Sunday, plus a timetable for bringing the network back into action, it said.

Sony sued over PlayStation Network hack

Sony is being sued in US court by gamers irked by news that a hacker cracked PlayStation Network defenses and pilfered data that could potentially be used for fraud or identity theft.

Sony working with police on PlayStation Network hack

Sony said it was working with investigators after hackers stole data from users of its PlayStation Network, and told customers it would restore services only when it was confident it was secure.

Chinese social network Renren files for IPO

Renren, China's most popular social network, filed for an initial public offering in the United States on Friday hoping to raise as much as $583 million.

Satyam to pay $10 million to settle SEC charges

Satyam Computer Services has agreed to pay $10 million to settle US charges that former top managers inflated the Indian company's revenue, the US Securities and Exchange Commission said Tuesday.

Dozens of South Korean websites attacked

(AP) -- Hackers attacked about 40 South Korean government and private websites Friday, prompting officials to warn of a substantial threat to the country's computers.

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