Patch for flaw in key Internet protocol

( -- A flaw was found in November in a key Internet protocol that encrypts most sensitive online transactions and communications, including credit card and banking transactions. A patch has now been developed ...

Blockchains in real time

Blockchains promise widescale open Internet applications that are organised decentrally, but this comes at the price of slow performance for every transaction processed by the system. Cryptography researchers working with ...

Mobile tech 'can replace cheques'

( -- With cheques due to be phased out in the UK by 2018 new security technology developed at Oxford University could offer a replacement, allowing people a secure way to pay in almost any situation.

Individual metropolises now global political players

By providing the infrastructure that connects global flows and financial systems, major cities have increased their political power alongside the nation-states. In some cases, they are pursuing their own foreign policy in ...

South Korea blames North Korea for cyberattack (Update)

South Korean investigators on Tuesday blamed rival North Korea for a cyberattack last month on dozens of South Korean media and government websites, including those of the president and prime minister.

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