Fears of spying hinder China Mobile license

Concerned about possible cyber-spying, U.S. national security officials are debating whether to take the unprecedented step of recommending that a Chinese government-owned mobile phone giant be denied a license to offer international ...

WikiLeaks not connected to any terrorist attacks in study

The WikiLeaks organization was criticized for providing a target list for terrorists when it published a secret memo in 2010 with 200 international sites that the U.S. Department of State considered critical to national security.

US moves to enhance cybersecurity cooperation

The Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security unveiled an agreement on Wednesday designed to boost cooperation in defending military and private computer networks from growing cyber threats.

Destructive cyber attack inevitable: NSA chief

The US National Security Agency (NSA) chief on Thursday urged top computer security specialists to harden the nation's critical infrastructure against inevitable destructive cyber attacks.

Cyber attackers leaving warning 'messages': NSA chief

Attackers hacking into American computer networks appear to be leaving "cyber fingerprints" to send a message that critical systems are vulnerable, the top US cyber-warrior said Thursday.

US, Canada launch joint cybersecurity plan

Canada and the United States announced Friday they were launching a joint cybsersecurity plan to protect their digital infrastructure from online threats.

House moves ahead with cybersecurity bill (Update)

(AP) -- House Republicans are pushing ahead with legislation to protect the nation's critical infrastructure and corporations from electronic attacks despite Obama administration objections that the legislation fails to ...

US Senate in new cybersecurity push

US senators, warning of potentially catastrophic cyberattacks, introduced a bill Tuesday aimed at protecting critical infrastructure such as power, water and transportation systems.

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