US power grid costs rise, but service slips

America's power grid is like an old car. It gets the job done, even if its performance is slipping. But the repair bills go up every year and experts say only a major overhaul will reverse its decline.

Report: Stuxnet cyberweapon older than believed (Update)

The sophisticated cyberweapon which targeted an Iranian nuclear plant is older than previously believed, an anti-virus company said Tuesday, peeling back another layer of mystery on a series of attacks attributed by many ...

Computer scientist looks for bad guys in cyberspace

(—The weakest link in many computer networks is a gullible human. With that in mind, Sandia National Laboratories computer science researcher Jeremy Wendt wants to figure out how to recognize potential targets ...

Security experts warn of risky attacks on tech-loaded cars

( -- Now that tiny computers and electronic communications systems are being designed into cars, hackers can look toward the car, like the PC, as potential roadkill. If cars are to become computers on wheels, a number ...

Neuroscience joins cryptography

( -- Security experts are turning to cognitive psychology for fresh ideas on authentication. Hristo Bojinov of Stanford University and others on his team have a new authentication design based on the concept of implicit ...

Researchers zap huge global spam 'botnet'

A huge global 'botnet' responsible for sending out millions of spam messages each day has been shut down by a collaborative effort from security experts in the US, Britain and Russia, researchers said.

Google adds warning of 'state-sponsored attacks'

(AP) — Google said Wednesday that it has added a feature to warn users whose accounts it believes are targets of "state-sponsored attacks," but the Internet giant did not cite a specific government.

US probing cyber attacks on gas pipelines (Update)

A campaign of cyber attacks has been targeting US natural gas pipeline operators, officials acknowledged Tuesday, raising security concerns about vulnerabilities in key infrastructure.

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