A divided Congress confronts a rising cyberthreat

(AP) -- The mysterious caller claimed to be from Microsoft and offered step-by-step instructions to repair damage from a software virus. The electric power companies weren't falling for it.

Why government and tech can't agree about encryption

Your phone is getting better and better at protecting your privacy. But Uncle Sam isn't totally comfortable with that, because it's also complicating the work of tracking criminals and potential national-security threats.

Estonia says Europe overreacted to US cyber spying

Europeans have overreacted to allegations that the United States had been snooping on them and vacuuming up huge amounts of phone and Internet data, cyber-savvy Estonia said in an interview published Thursday.

North Korea gets second web connection via Russian firm

A state-owned Russian company has opened up a second internet connection for North Korea which could strengthen Pyongyang's cyber capabilities and undermine US efforts to isolate the regime, security experts said.

Research initiative to enhance integrity of integrated circuits

A consortium of hardware security experts from four major universities around the country has received a $1.2 million federal grant to conduct wide-ranging research aimed at enhancing the integrity of integrated circuits ...

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