Disney's earnings leak sprung from Goofy mistake

(AP) -- The Walt Disney Co.'s early release of its earnings report this month came down to a Dumbo move: The company made the information accessible through an easy-to-guess Web address.

China, US to discuss cybersecurity at forum

China is ready to discuss strengthening cybersecurity with U.S. officials at a high-level forum next week and wants Washington to help settle territorial disputes in East Asia, officials said Friday.

Car hacking: The security threat facing our vehicles

The car of the future will be safer, smarter and offer greater high-tech gadgets, but be warned without improved security the risk of car hacking is real, according to a QUT road safety expert.

Dozens of countries hit by huge cyberextortion attack

Dozens of countries were hit with a huge cyberextortion attack Friday that locked up computers and held users' files for ransom at a multitude of hospitals, companies and government agencies.

Researchers zap huge global spam 'botnet'

A huge global 'botnet' responsible for sending out millions of spam messages each day has been shut down by a collaborative effort from security experts in the US, Britain and Russia, researchers said.

Weak US card security made Target a juicy target

The U.S. is the juiciest target for hackers hunting credit card information. And experts say incidents like the recent data theft at Target's stores will get worse before they get better.

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