Alarm grows over global ransomware attacks

Security experts expressed alarm Friday over a fast-moving wave of cyberattacks around the world that appeared to exploit a flaw exposed in documents leaked from the US National Security Agency.

WhatsApp, security and spyware: what happened

Facebook-owned WhatsApp's revelation of a security flaw allowing hackers to inject spyware on smartphones raised fresh concerns about the security of the mobile ecosystem.

End-to-end encryption isn't enough security for 'real people'

Government officials continue to seek technology companies' help fighting terrorism and crime. But the most commonly proposed solution would severely limit regular people's ability to communicate securely online. And it ignores ...

European heavyweights Airbus, Altran targeted by cyberattacks

European aerospace and defence group Airbus has launched an inquiry into the origin and targets of a cyberattack detected earlier in January, the same month that French IT consulting group Altran also saw attempts to breach ...

Starbucks to roll out fix for weakness in iPhone app

Starbucks Corp. said it will soon roll out an update for its iOS mobile application, which a security expert says had a critical flaw that potentially exposed customer data to computer-savvy phone thieves.

Hope on the horizon for victims of DDoS attacks

( -- Recently, Yuri Gushin and Alex Behar, security experts with Radware, an Israeli security firm, gave a presentation at the Black Hat conference in Barcelona, Spain, and as part of their program showed what ...

Lost iPhone just one headache for Apple security

(AP) -- Wanted: experienced security professional. Must have plan to thwart Chinese counterfeiters, protect secret blueprints from spies and keep workers from leaving super-secret unreleased smartphones behind in bars.

Self-driving cars and geospatial data: Who holds the keys?

As self-driving cars continue to develop, there will be plenty of data amassed through cars' navigational technologies. Questions regarding privacy, ownership, cybersecurity and public safety arise, as heavily guarded mapping ...

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