Can gene editing provide a solution to global hunger?

According to the World Food Program, some 795 million people – one in nine people on earth – don't have enough food to lead a healthy active life. That will only get worse with the next global food crisis, predicted to ...

Don't want NSA to spy on your email? 5 things you can do

More than half of Americans are worried about the U.S. government's digital spies prying into their emails, texts, search requests and other online information, but few are trying to thwart the surveillance.

China blocks 'privacy' search engine DuckDuckGo

China has begun blocking the privacy-protecting search engine DuckDuckGo, which avoids storing user data or tracking online activity, according to the company and security researchers.

NSA data center runs into electrical problems

The Army Corps of Engineers says it has found electrical problems at the National Security Agency's $1.7 billion data center that could delay the new facility's long-awaited opening this fall in Utah.

Team creates highly portable imaging system

Los Alamos National Laboratory and Tribogenics, the pioneer of innovative X-ray solutions, have partnered to create a unique, lightweight, compact, low-cost X-ray system that uses the MiniMAX (Miniature, Mobile, Agile, X-ray) ...

Head for the clouds, feet firmly on the ground

Computer engineers in the US writing in the International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems have reviewed the research literature to get a clear picture of cloud computing, its adoption, use and the ...

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