Get dialed in on how to safeguard your smartphones

Remember the sneaky trick played by software makers? Download a free program and somehow it would automatically install an unwanted "search toolbar" on your computer's Internet browser. That annoying ploy hasn't disappeared ...

Ph.D. students make advances in tethering & network security

The average American spends about seven hours a day looking at an electronic screen. With this much of a role in our daily lives, our electronic devices must be updated frequently with the newest technology to reflect usage ...

Microfluidic devices move from application to fundamental science

( —Just a few drops of liquid or a bit more is run past specialized sensors in microfluidic devices to detect chemicals of concern to doctors and security personnel. However, these devices are now being reinvented ...

Apple buying AuthenTec for about $356 million

(AP) — Apple has agreed to buy fingerprint reader AuthenTec Inc. for approximately $356 million as the maker of iPhones and iPads looks to strengthen its digital security capabilities.

How to protect personal data on devices you plan to sell

Thinking of selling or giving away your smartphone or laptop computer? If you have a BlackBerry or an iPhone, go right ahead. But if you have an Android phone or a computer running Windows XP, you may want to hold off.

Mobile-security services take off

The prospect of consumers and employees physically losing information-packed mobile devices, or getting them hacked, has become the driver for a red-hot sector of the tech industry: supplying mobile security.

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