Lookout beefs up smartphone defenses

Lookout Mobile Security on Wednesday began protecting smartphones from tricksters and booby-trapped websites as people increasingly access the Internet on the go.

Is your phone safe from hackers?

A multimedia text could be the vessel that cripples as many as 950 million Android phones around the world, a mobile security expert warned in a Forbes article on Monday.

Aussie military says tracking app doesn't breach security

Australia's military said on Tuesday that a fitness tracking application did not breach security despite revelations that an interactive, online map using its data can show troop locations around the world.

More rules for the intelligent household

While a mobile phone or PC is traditionally controlled by only one user, many players come together in a networked household, some of whom even want to control devices simultaneously. Researchers from the Horst Görtz Institute ...

Few festival fans guard against smartphone loss: survey

Ninety-two percent of music festival goers are more likely to bring a smartphone to an event than cash or ID, but many fail to guard against loss or theft, an industry survey Wednesday indicated.

Microfluidic devices move from application to fundamental science

(Phys.org) —Just a few drops of liquid or a bit more is run past specialized sensors in microfluidic devices to detect chemicals of concern to doctors and security personnel. However, these devices are now being reinvented ...

NY lawsuit seeks to halt suspicionless searches

(AP) -- A New York lawsuit seeks to stop the government from snooping in the laptops, cell phones and cameras of international travelers when there is no probable cause.

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