Lookout beefs up smartphone defenses

Lookout Mobile Security on Wednesday began protecting smartphones from tricksters and booby-trapped websites as people increasingly access the Internet on the go.

Research initiative to enhance integrity of integrated circuits

A consortium of hardware security experts from four major universities around the country has received a $1.2 million federal grant to conduct wide-ranging research aimed at enhancing the integrity of integrated circuits ...

Emirati telecom: BlackBerry limits next week

(AP) -- The head of an Emirati phone company says new government restrictions on the most secure BlackBerry services are scheduled to take effect next week.

NY lawsuit seeks to halt suspicionless searches

(AP) -- A New York lawsuit seeks to stop the government from snooping in the laptops, cell phones and cameras of international travelers when there is no probable cause.

Germany warns of Apple security problem

(AP) -- Several versions of Apple's iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch have potentially serious security problems, a German government agency said in an official warning Wednesday.

Dell Inc. paying $100 million in SEC deal

(AP) -- Computer maker Dell Inc. is paying $100 million to settle civil charges that it fraudulently used payments from Intel to pump up its profits to meet Wall Street targets over five years, the government announced Thursday.

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