Google advises Iran users to change passwords

Google has advised users of its online services in Iran to change their passwords following the theft of Internet security certificates from a Dutch company.

Dutch probing Iranian hacker's claims

The Dutch government is investigating claims by a suspected Iranian hacker that he falsified Internet security certificates at a Dutch company, a government spokesman said Friday.

Dutch launch Iran IT hacking probe

The Dutch secret service has opened an investigation to determine who falsified 531 Internet security certificates in order to snoop on users in Iran, the Dutch Interior Ministry said Tuesday.

Google users in Iran targeted in certificate scam

A false Internet security certificate has been used in an apparent attempt to snoop on Google users in Iran, according to the Internet search giant and computer security firms.

US approves its first 'tablet' for federal workers

Blackberry's PlayBook electronic tablet has been approved for use in all US federal government agencies, becoming the first tablet to get certified, developer Research in Motion said.

US unveils plan to make online transactions safer

(AP) -- In the murky world of the Internet, how do you ever really know who you're talking to, who you're buying from or if your bank can actually tell it's you when you log in to pay a bill?

Researchers establishing security standards for the internet

( -- Dartmouth researchers who were pioneers in Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) - a system that secures and authenticates computer communications - are now playing leading roles establishing Internet standards ...

China scales back IT disclosure demands

(AP) -- Beijing has temporarily averted a trade clash with Washington by scaling back a demand for foreign suppliers of computer security technology to disclose how their products work.

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