'Zero knowledge' may answer computer security question

(Phys.org) —In the age of the Internet, it's getting harder and harder to keep secrets. When you type in your password, there's no telling who might be watching it go by. New research at Cornell may offer a pathway to more ...

Transaction fees change the culture of bitcoin, study says

Bitcoin transaction fees—financial rewards for adding certain records to a blockchain ahead of others—keep the cryptocurrency functioning, but may threaten its long-term viability and contribute to its energy waste, according ...

Quantum cryptography for mobile phones

Secure mobile communications underpin our society and through mobile phones, tablets and laptops we have become online consumers. The security of mobile transactions is obscure to most people but is absolutely essential if ...

Beefing up public-key encryption

Most financial transactions on the Internet are safeguarded by a cryptographic technique called public-key encryption. Where traditional encryption relies on a single secret key, shared by both sender and recipient, public-key ...

Target: Customers' encrypted PINs were stolen

Target said Friday that debit card PIN numbers were among the financial information stolen from millions of U.S. customers who shopped at the retailer earlier this month.

Report: US spied on Brazil's Petrobras, Google

Documents leaked by Edward Snowden indicate the National Security Agency spied on Brazil's state-run oil company, the private computer networks of Google and a company that facilitates most of the world's international bank ...

Citigroup says 360,000 affected by hackers

Hackers stole account information of more than 360,000 of Citigroup Inc.'s U.S. credit card customers in a recent data breach, the bank said Wednesday, almost double the number initially thought.

Sony starts to restore PlayStation service in Asia

(AP) -- Sony has begun restoring access to its PlayStation Network and Qriocity movie and music service in Japan and elsewhere in Asia. The company shut down the services in April after a massive security breach that affected ...

Passwords are passe but biometrics are not mobile

Writing in the International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing, researchers from the US and Germany point out an inherent flaw in the financial industry adopting biometric logins to boost security in that the ...

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