World has five years to avoid severe warming: IEA

The world has just five years to avoid being trapped in a scenario of perilous climate change and extreme weather events, the International Energy Agency (IEA) warned on Wednesday.

Energy, food security to dominate Rio+20: envoy

Boosting energy efficiency and renewables and providing food for a future world of eight billion will dominate next year's UN Rio+20 conference, the talks' co-coordinator said on Thursday.

Scientists strike water in Kenya's parched north

The Kenyan government and UNESCO on Wednesday announced the discovery of a potentially vast supply of underground water in the impoverished, drought-stricken extreme north of the country.

Survey shows student job outlook, motivation changing

( -- It’s not your father’s job market. That’s the message a Maine Business School lecturer and researcher has discovered in surveys over the last few years of his students.

New research links crop disease and climate change

Researchers from the University of Hertfordshire have investigated links between crop disease and climate change which impact our food growth and production - affecting our food security today and for future generations. ...

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