FBI partner attacked by hackers, passwords taken

(AP) -- Nearly 180 passwords belonging to members of an Atlanta-based FBI partner organization have been stolen and leaked to the Internet, the group confirmed Sunday.

Europol says internet main tool for organised crime

The Internet has become a major tool in European organised crime, which uses it for drugs and human trafficking and money laundering as well as cybercrime, Europol's top official said Wednesday.

Emirati telecom: BlackBerry limits next week

(AP) -- The head of an Emirati phone company says new government restrictions on the most secure BlackBerry services are scheduled to take effect next week.

How lead gets into urban vegetable gardens

One common mitigation approach is to build a raised bed and fill it with freshly composted, low-lead soil from elsewhere, right? Maybe not, according to researchers studying the mysterious case of the lead contamination found ...

Interview: UN telecoms chief urges data sharing

(AP) -- BlackBerry's Canadian manufacturer should give law enforcement agencies around the world access to its customer data, the U.N. technology chief said, adding that governments have legitimate security concerns that ...

Ultra-secure quantum communications

(PhysOrg.com) -- The risk of sensitive information falling into the wrong hands could be eliminated by a new quantum communication process that delivers unprecedented security.

NATO's cyber-brains gaze at the future of war

Behind the walls of a high-security lab, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation's top cyber-minds are trying to predict the evolution of conflict in an Internet-dependent world.

Brocade's ex-CEO convicted in stock options case

(AP) -- The former chief executive of networking gear maker Brocade Communications Inc. was convicted Friday of felony charges connected to backdating stock options.

Computer scientists work to strengthen online security

If you forget your password when logging into an e-mail or online shopping Web site, the site will likely ask you a security question: What is your mother's maiden name? Where were you born?

Researchers establishing security standards for the internet

(PhysOrg.com) -- Dartmouth researchers who were pioneers in Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) - a system that secures and authenticates computer communications - are now playing leading roles establishing Internet standards ...

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