Communications surveillance in Australia

Hot on the heels of data analyst whistleblower Edward Snowden's revelations about the existence of the PRISM electronic surveillance program operated by the United States' National Security Agency since 2007, we've heard ...

Japan's Sony hit by fresh cyberattack

Sony said Thursday that hackers stole details belonging to hundreds of its mobile unit clients, the latest in a string of cyberattacks to hit the embattled Japanese electronics giant.

Chinese military hackers target space industry

A Chinese military unit has run a hacking campaign that includes sending bogus email in a bid to intercept Western satellite communications and aerospace secrets, a US security firm said.

Obama tightens rules on use of bulk intelligence data

The Obama administration has tightened rules governing how the FBI, CIA and other intelligence agencies use Internet and phone communications of foreigners collected by the National Security Agency.

Verizon, unions reach tentative contract

(AP)—Verizon and unions representing 43,000 employees have reached tentative, three-year agreements covering job security, retirement and other issues.

Nist releases final version of revised Bluetooth security guide

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has issued the final version of the Guide to Bluetooth Security (NIST Special Publication 800-121 Rev. 1). The publication is a revision of the original guide, which ...

Why freemium software has no place in our classrooms

Digital teaching and communication tools are increasingly present in kindergarten to Grade 12 classrooms. By April 2020, not long after the onset of the pandemic, Google Classroom had doubled its users to more than 100 million.

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