Verizon, unions reach tentative contract

(AP)—Verizon and unions representing 43,000 employees have reached tentative, three-year agreements covering job security, retirement and other issues.

Huawei: Australia law could exclude China firms

(AP)—An official of Chinese telecoms equipment giant Huawei Technologies said Friday he is concerned that new Australian laws to protect communication networks from cyber-attacks could exclude companies from tendering for ...

Japan's Sony hit by fresh cyberattack

Sony said Thursday that hackers stole details belonging to hundreds of its mobile unit clients, the latest in a string of cyberattacks to hit the embattled Japanese electronics giant.

Towards 'unbreakable' message exchange

Single particles of light, also known as photons, have been produced and implemented into a quantum key distribution (QKD) link, paving the way for unbreakable communication networks.

US spy master courts top hackers at Def Con

US spy master Keith Alexander on Friday courted hackers at an infamous Def Con gathering rife with software tricksters wary of police and ferociously protective of privacy.

Nist releases final version of revised Bluetooth security guide

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has issued the final version of the Guide to Bluetooth Security (NIST Special Publication 800-121 Rev. 1). The publication is a revision of the original guide, which ...

Fears of spying hinder China Mobile license

Concerned about possible cyber-spying, U.S. national security officials are debating whether to take the unprecedented step of recommending that a Chinese government-owned mobile phone giant be denied a license to offer international ...

US report urges easing rules on satellite exports

Congress should ease restrictions on US satellite exports that are unnecessary and place US firms at a "disadvantage," the Pentagon and the State Department said Wednesday.

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