Hagel to broach topic of cyberthreats with Chinese

(AP)—Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel will meet with members of a Chinese delegation this weekend and likely talk about ongoing cyberthreats amid new reports that China used computer-based attacks to access data from dozens ...

US urges China collaboration on cyber intrusions

(AP)—The top U.S. military officer said Wednesday that he has called on China to be more transparent about cyberattacks and boost collaboration with the U.S. to tackle a common threat to their economies.

3Qs: Gender equality in the military

The Pen­tagon has lifted the military's offi­cial ban on women in combat, a his­toric deci­sion that Pres­i­dent Obama said reflected "the coura­geous and patri­otic ser­vice of women through more than two cen­turies ...

UK gov't told to rethink data surveillance plan

(AP)—British lawmakers on Tuesday demanded the government water down plans to keep track of phone calls, email and Internet activity—a bill critics dub a "snooper's charter."

UK to rule on extraditing alleged hacker to US

(AP)—Britain's Home Secretary is set to rule on whether to extradite a British hacker to America to face charges for breaking into sensitive computer networks at U.S. military and space installations.

Panetta talks computer hacking issues with Chinese

(AP)—Despite several years of escalating diplomacy and warnings, the U.S. is making little headway in its efforts to tamp down aggressive Chinese cyberattacks against American companies and the government.

Amid drought, US opens up land for grazing, haying

The Obama administration opened up protected US land to help farmers and ranchers hit by severe drought Monday, and encouraged crop insurance companies to forgo charging interest for a month.

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