How secretaries of state handle classified information

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says she never sent classified information through her private email account while she served as America's top diplomat, a claim that has been met with skepticism.

Natural gas exports: Slow walk or "danger zone"?

The debate over exporting liquefied natural gas is intensifying as the Energy Dept. considers an array of applications to ship the fuel to Japan, India and other countries where prices are far higher than in the United States.

UK plans new cyber force to boost strike ability

Britain's defense secretary says it is recruiting hundreds of experts for a new cyber force designed to protect the nation's vital data—and stage cyberattacks if necessary.

US drivers talk and text as much as ever

Americans are using cellphones and other gadgets behind the wheel as much as ever, despite widespread awareness of the risks involved, a federal government agency said Friday.

Tesla CEO vows to pay off US loan early

The chief executive of electric car maker Tesla Motors says his company plans to pay back an Energy Department loan in half the time required by the U.S. government.

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