Hagel to broach topic of cyberthreats with Chinese

(AP)—Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel will meet with members of a Chinese delegation this weekend and likely talk about ongoing cyberthreats amid new reports that China used computer-based attacks to access data from dozens ...

US more optimistic about climate deal after talks

(AP) -- The top U.S. negotiator on climate change said Tuesday that he is slightly more optimistic about striking a new international agreement to curb global warming after a two-day meeting with the world's largest emitters ...

Vatican, biotech firm host adult stem cell meeting

(AP) -- The Vatican has entered into an unusual partnership with a small U.S. biotech company to promote using adult stem cells for treating disease, rather than focusing research on embryonic stem cells.

British government backs down over database plan

(AP) -- The British government said Monday it wants communications companies to keep records of every phone call, e-mail and Web site visit made in the country. But it has decided not to set up a national database of the ...

Problems dogging new high-tech air traffic system

A high-tech overhaul to the nation's air traffic control system is mostly on track to completion, but has yet to produce the benefits that airlines and passengers were told to expect, federal investigators said.

Countering social influence and persuasion of extremist groups

Social media has become a vital channel for terrorist groups to share news and seduce new members. The recent, notable successes of ISIS in the U.S. and Europe have demonstrated that terror groups can successfully use this ...

Federal OK sought for loans for California energy projects

Plans for a massive expansion of clean energy in California are being jeopardized by federal foot-dragging, according to state officials who say that more than 20 nearly shovel-ready solar and wind projects are being held ...

Japan, US, and EU to meet on rare earths

Japan said Wednesday it will host the European Union and United States at a meeting on developing alternatives for rare earths as Chinese controls on the key minerals raise fears of a supply squeeze.

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