Some bacteria attack using spring-loaded poison daggers

Bacteria have evolved different systems for secreting proteins into the fluid around them or into other cells. Some, for example, have syringe-like exterior structures that can pierce other cells and inject proteins. Another ...

Boy or girl? Lemur scents have the answer

Dozens of pregnancy myths claim to predict whether a mom-to-be is carrying a boy or a girl. Some say you can tell by the shape of a woman's bump, or whether she craves salty or sweet.

Guilty verdict in theft of Motorola secrets for China

A former software engineer for Motorola was found guilty Wednesday of stealing trade secrets from the US technology firm just before she tried to leave the country for China, the Justice Department said.

Super sticky barnacle glue cures like blood clots

Barnacles are a big problem for boats. Adhering to the undersides of vessels, carpets of the crustaceans can increase fuel consumption by as much as 25%. Ship owners would love to know how to stop these hitchhikers gluing ...

Hormones control paternal interest in offspring

Basing their research on an unexpected interspecies difference between rats and mice, researchers at Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University have mapped a system in the brain that controls paternal behavior towards ...

To Arctic animals, time of day really doesn't matter

In the far northern reaches of the Arctic, day versus night often doesn't mean a whole lot. During parts of the year, the sun does not set; at other times, it's just the opposite. A new study reported online on March 11th ...

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