Secret Service to probe hack on Fox News Twitter

(AP) -- The Secret Service said Monday it will investigate the hacking of Fox's political Twitter account over updates claiming that President Barack Obama had been assassinated.

Rare economic espionage case ends in jury deadlock

(AP) -- Two men accused of the rare charge of economic espionage against the U.S. have been acquitted on two counts, but they could face a retrial on three other counts on which a jury deadlocked.

Can gulls smell out a good partner?

Male and female kittiwakes smell different from each other, according to research by Sarah Leclaire from the Centre national de la recherche scientifique at the Université Paul Sabatier in France and her team. Their ...

Agents probing drug site accused of taking online currency

Two former federal agents are accused of using their positions and savvy computer skills to siphon more than $1 million in digital currency from the online black market known as Silk Road while they and their agencies operated ...

Obama signs order creating new cyber sanctions program

President Barack Obama on Wednesday authorized a new U.S. government approach to deterring cyberattacks: financial sanctions against malicious overseas hackers and companies that knowingly benefit from the fruits of cyberespionage.

Obama goes social with Reddit online chat

President Barack Obama reinforced his image as the social media president Wednesday as he took questions from the public in an online chat on the Reddit website.

Inflammatory letter sheds light on Uber's alleged misconduct

A former Uber security specialist accused the company of dispatching a team of spies to steal its rivals' trade secrets and using shady tactics to thwart its competition in the ride-hailing market, according an inflammatory ...

Unique X-ray microscope reveals dazzling 3-D cell images

The planet comprises continents and islands, each with unique cultures and resources. One area may be well known for growing food, another for manufacturing building materials, and yet despite their differences and distance ...

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