New device for symmetry-breaking-induced optical nonlinearity

Second-order nonlinear optical processes play a pivotal role in both classical and quantum applications, ranging from extension of the accessible frequencies to generation of quantum entangled photon pairs and squeezed states. ...

Curiosity Rover to temporarily switch 'brains'

Engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, this week commanded the agency's Curiosity rover to switch to its second computer. The switch will enable engineers to do a detailed diagnosis of a technical ...

We all put too much emphasis on test scores

We live in testing times. We also live in a time of globalization, immigration and the internationalization of schools and universities around the world. Our current obsession with school accountability and student learning ...

Beijing's smoke busters point the way for national ban

Wielding an "inspector" badge, volunteer Liu Li follows his nose as he sniffs out violators of China's toughest-ever tobacco control law, enacted a year ago on Wednesday, as Beijing fights to keep its air smoke free.

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