Primary to secondary school transition scrutinised

Poorer school students and those with a disability require additional support to successfully manage the transition from primary to secondary school, according to a longitudinal study by Curtin University.

Biting spiders force UK school closure

Creepy crawlies, in the form of a venomous spider infestation, has forced a school in Britain to close a week before Halloween.

Unlocking the entrepreneurial spirit

Being your own boss is an aspiration for many Europeans - almost 4 out of 10 people in fact. The prospect of a potentially better income, independence and the freedom to work wherever and whenever is a highly attractive prospect ...

School blogs: A direct line to the quiet kids in class

Every day, school students are required to answer questions, solve problems and work in groups. This kind of upfront engagement is challenging for shy students, who are now using blogs to have their voices heard in the classroom.

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