A gap year does not weaken study success

A gap year between high school and the start of university studies does not weaken young people's enthusiasm to study or their overall performance once the studies have commenced. On the other hand, adolescents who continue ...

Boys plagiarise more than girls at school

Research by the University of the Balearic Islands has analysed the phenomenon of academic plagiarism among secondary school students. The study, published in the journal Comunicar, confirms that this practice is widespread ...

Research shows value of outdoor learning for school pupils

Teachers who bring their pupils into the outdoors find it makes their learning more enjoyable, challenging, active and collaborative, according to University of Stirling research published by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH).

Study shows teenagers can have a ball without excess

Financial disadvantage does not necessarily lead to pupils' exclusion from American-style high school proms, according research carried out by the Universities of Bath, Stirling and Lancaster.

News Corp shows, tell details of education tablet

News Corp. took the wraps off its new tablet computer for the school market Wednesday, saying the device would use "digital innovation to transform teaching and learning."

What happens to the young and educated without a job?

(PhysOrg.com) -- A new study led by the University of Oxford is looking at how young educated people who are unemployed become politicized in different ways - either through violent struggle or as reformers working for a ...

Web site help for students applying to college

Two of my best friends are named Pete. We went to the same high school and the same university, Cal State Fullerton, which has been described as "the Harvard of north Orange County" -- by me, at least.

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