How hard-to-recycle plastic is being made as good as new

New recycling technologies currently being tested may allow plastics such as single-use food packaging, fibre-reinforced car parts and mattress foam—polymers which often wind up in landfills or are incinerated—to have ...

IT group Dassault Systemes raises 2012 sales target

French software design group Dassault Systemes raised on Thursday its 2012 sales target after posting a 22 percent jump in first-half profit to 156.4 million euros ($190 million).

Lego expands its universe with online game

Danish toy maker Lego is seeking to build a presence in the world of multiplayer online games with the release of a new videogame called Lego Universe.

Visit Pompeii with the Victorians in Second Life

( -- A 3D recreation of a Roman house in Pompeii has been built in the virtual world Second Life by Dr Shelley Hales and Dr Nic Earle from the University of Bristol.

Really virtual reality

( -- Far from being geeky and exotic, virtual reality could be the key to a new range of innovative products. European researchers and industrialists have come together to build a world-leading community ready ...

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