Related topics: language

7 ways to build your child's vocabulary

If you want your child to have a rich and fulfilling life, one of the best things you can do is help build your child's vocabulary. Research shows strong language ability is associated with a number of positive things, including ...

Decrease anxiety about learning English with mobile gaming

It's normal to experience some anxiety when speaking a second language. When paired with large class sizes and limited opportunities for practice during class time, however, this anxiety can limit a person's ability to perform ...

We all put too much emphasis on test scores

We live in testing times. We also live in a time of globalization, immigration and the internationalization of schools and universities around the world. Our current obsession with school accountability and student learning ...

How languages are built

Parents are often amazed by the speed at which children acquire language in early childhood, becoming fluent around three years of age. Compare this with the average adult attempting to acquire a second language, and it’s ...

Giving Holocaust survivors a digital voice in the world

With every year that passes, fewer witnesses can tell us about their personal experience of the horrors of the Second World War. That is why the project LediZ (Learning with Digital Testimonies) has developed new interactive ...

Transcultural literacies and meaning-making through fanfiction

Digital technology has made intercultural contacts a daily activity for many people in the world. As a result, the globalization of cultural flows and the various ways that people appropriate these cultural flows have become ...

The language of health and wealth

What impact does a person's proficiency in English as a second language have on their health and economic integration when they settle in the U.S.? That's the issue addressed in new research published in the International ...

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