Hormone alters electric fish's signal-canceling trick

During the rainy breeding season, the underwater "conversation" among electric fish changes. Fish revved up to make a match broadcast slightly different signals to advertise their presence and identify compatible mates.

Arctic terns may navigate climate dangers

Arctic terns—which fly on the longest migrations of any animal on Earth—may be able to navigate the dangers posed by climate change, new research suggests.

New study takes a high-level look at Nazca boobies' breeding

Nazca boobies can live to 28 years of age, but in their late teens, their ability to raise chicks declines substantially. Why their breeding drops in old age has plagued Wake Forest University Professor of Biology David Anderson ...

African smoke over the Amazon

The Brazilian rainforest is one of the world's few continental regions with clean air. However, this is only true during the wet season, when the concentration of particulate matter is very low. During the dry season, it's ...

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